Six Meat Buffet

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Moonbats invade Nashville

To my bretheren down in Nashville, the loving Marxists from Nashville Peace & Justice Coalition are urging a call to action tomorrow morning (Tuesday, Aug 31) during President Junior's visit to Opryland. Per their website:

Tennessee Indymedia has learned that George Bush will be in Nashville on Tuesday August 31st at Opryland. He will be speaking to members of the American Legion at 9:40am. The Peace Coalition has organized an impromptu protest. Beginning at 8:30am - 9am protesters will begin gathering at the intersection of Music Valley Dr and McGavock Pike at the entrance to Opryland. Please bring signs and banners. For more info call 321-9066.

While I realize that most conservatives can't attend rallies at a moments notice, due to the fact that they have jobs and actually drive the U.S. economy, it would be great if anyone could stop by and take some pictures or video of the demonstration. I'm sure the entertainment value will be worth the 30 minutes or so it would take to collect valuable data for the bureau of moonbat studies. You'd be doing modern science a favor.