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Blogging for Bush?

Johnny Walker Red over at Right on Red has an excellent testimonial on why he's voting for President Junior in November.

As I've previously posted, I too will be punching Junior's chad in November - and for one reason: he has already proven that, under fire and against world opinion, he is best able to lead us in the war on terror, which is the only issue that matters this year.

As Johnny pointed out to me a while back, President Junior's excessive domestic spending won't be an issue when we're all dead. More from Johnny's post:

I'm voting for President Bush because his number one priority above all others is the defense of the American people, and our way of life, from all threats, both at home and abroad. The primary responsibility of the federal government is to provide for the common defense, and George W. Bush takes this responsibility as seriously as any chief executive ever has.

President Bush has my vote because he had the strength of conviction to do what he believed necessary to defend the American people, even when much of world opinion was against it. The President has shown that his only obligation is to his countrymen. He has proven that he would risk his political career and his historical legacy to protect his fellow Americans.

I'm voting for President Bush because I believe he is an honest man who knows the difference between right and wrong. He is a leader, able to make the difficult choices that come with the office. When the intelligence community told him of the danger of WMDs, he erred on the side of security rather than insecurity. He understands that it is better to risk a foreign policy mistake than to risk another September 11th.

Well put. Go read the whole post.