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A new badge of dishonor.

I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

Planned Parenthood has unveiled a new t-shirt, which proudly boasts "I had an abortion."

According to Planned Parenthood, "These soft and comfortable fitted tees assert a powerful message in support of women's rights."

How fucking depraved are these people? The shirt also unintentionally points out that, if the baby was female, the proud wearer actually violated the rights of a future woman by slicing her up and sucking her out with a vacuum cleaner. Then again, it's about choice - the choice not to be inconvenienced.

However, as I mentioned in an earlier missive, odds are that's also one fewer potential dum-o-crat vote. There's always a silver lining, I suppose.

UPDATE:  Planned Parenthood has since taken the t-shirt down. I guess Drudge swamped their servers. Either that, or they got cold feet from the political ramifications of using such poor judgment.

In the meantime, enjoy one of these fine products from their store:

Is abstinence right for you?! (from their "For Teens" section)

"Stop the war on choice!" t-shirts. (No hyperbole there...)

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE:  Well now they've put the t-shirt back up for sale. I wish they'd make up their damn mind.