Pay no attention to those 14 Syrians on the plane.
Here's a disturbing story about more possible terrorism in the skies.
Or, at least in this case, a practice run for a gang of Syrian terrorists.
This story is about Flight #327 from Detroit to Los Angeles - and the behavior of the 14 Syrians who were somehow aboard the flight together. It's really worth a full read - especially if you're planning any air travel. The story reinforces the fact that we cannot afford to let our guard down when it comes to airliners with groups of islamofascists on board.
In this case, it appeared that the group may have been performing a practice run for building an improvised explosive device built in the air. Michelle Malkin has been watching this story like a hawk as well. It will be interesting to see if the idiots in the Old Media get around to covering this one - I seriously doubt it, given the fact that it might arouse suspicion of their adopted religion of peace.
Here's an interesting discussion at The Spoons Experience about what the passengers should have done - as well as some other airline counter-terrorism ideas.
This is just another example of how we're really no safer since 9/11. The only argument that can be made for our improved safety is the fact that groups of passengers on airliners will not "sit down and be quiet" for any hijackers. I would almost guarantee that there will be no more successful hijackings of airliners in the U.S.
Now that passengers know the destiny of a hijacked airliner, there will be an assload of dead hijackers before there will be any successful takeover of an aircraft.
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