Six Meat Buffet

This blog is the magnet, and you are steel.

If you have arrived at this site from, then either the main site is down and you've received a 404 error, or the main site is down for maintenance. If you've arrived at this site any other way, you should probably know that the Six Meat Buffet blog is actually at SixMeatBuffet.Com.

This is the backup site for use when things go wrong over at the main site. Which is not uncommon. You can always drop me a line at preston-at-sixmeatbuffet-dot-com or sixmeat-at-gmail-dot-com if you have questions.


Comments are enabled

Thanks to the good folks at Blogger, we now have comments.

This will be an experiment of sorts, however. If I start getting a bunch of spam posts, flamers (the message board kind, not the queers...) or other claptrap that doesn't add to the debate or provide some creativity or entertainment value, I'll probably pull the plug.

For now, folks will be able to post comments anonymously or via their Blogger ID. If you don't have a Blogger login, go here. You don't have to actually set up a blog to have a Blogger ID/login, so just an fyi. Happy weekend!