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Hamburgler and WMDs

I just can't stay away.

Clinton's National Security Advisor Sandy "Hamburgler" Berger allegedly swiped highly classified terror documents from the National Archives to keep them out of the hands of the 9/11 Commission.

He did so by stuffing notes and other documents into his "jacket, pants and socks." Not that the Clintonistas could possibly have anything to hide about how they gutted our national defenses for 8 years.

In fact, in a telling admission, President Clifford says that "we're all laughing about it...". More:

"We were all laughing about it on the way over here," the former president said of the investigation into Samuel "Sandy" Berger on classified terrorism documents missing from the National Archives. "People who don't know him might find it hard to believe. But ... all of us who've been in his office have always found him buried beneath papers."

This is how seriously the Clintonistas took our national defense.

In other news, more WMD's have turned up in Iraq.

This time, it's nuclear weapons buried and encased in concrete.

Don't think that this will stop the leftist's cries of "Bush Lied!" The left generally ignores the facts anyway - if it doesn't bolster their illogical positions, it isn't news.