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Leftist radio will never work

Accoring to Drudge, Liberal Radio Network Air America is in Deep Financial Crisis.

The network has already been booted off the air in L.A. and Chicago and is knee-deep in debt. According to Drudge, "creditors are lined up at the door."

Here in the little burg in which I live, I tried to listen to a liberal talk show just the other night. The guy's name is Lionel and we get him once a week on one of our piss-poor AM frequencies - you know the kind - the one you land on when you're tired of looking for something to listen to and you've given up searching due to finger fatigue.

Listening to Lionel reminded me why leftist talk radio will never be popular. The primary reason for this is that these people have NO SENSE OF HUMOR. Liberals are the most humorless species on the planet. Granted - there are a handful of liberals who have a sense of humor - the few liberals I count as friends are among them - but on the whole, they're highly-serious, self-righteous, arrogant bastards.

Lionel is the stereotypical liberal, except that he adds one element - he's a sniveling liberal. If you've ever wondered what sniveling sounds like, tune this guy in. His list of affiliates is pretty short, but perhaps you can find him in your area nonetheless. For the entire half-hour I had the misfortune to listen, he grumbled about how President Junior had misled him on the war, how horrible conservatives are, on and on, blather blather blather. He's a prime example of why the medium is completely wrong for leftists.

That brings up another question - why do they need a "liberal" radio network? They already have government-funded NPR and PBS. They already have the three major components of the Old Media (CBS, NBC, ABC) as well as CNN, MSNBC and the rest of their ilk. The reason the left vilifies Fox News is because that's the one network through which they can't spew their leftist propaganda - except when Geraldo's on.

I have yet to listen to Al Franken's show - I have a feeling it's more of the same, just with a familiar voice. He only proves my point further - has he ever been funny? I never got him with SNL - and I challenge anyone to prove that "Stuart Saves his Family" produced even a single laugh. That's what I thought. You couldn't could you?