More people who need to get a life
There is a class of "professional protester" in this country that obviously has a lot of time on its hands. Much like professional shakedown artist Jesse Jackson bounces from corporation to corporation with his hands out, these protester-types bounce from college to university to professional sports franchise crying their eyes out over insensitive mascots.

They're using all the usual arguments - the mascot is racist! sexist! stereotypes injuns! insensitive! mean-spirited! Luckily, in this case, the powers-that-be at U of I haven't caved into these politically-correct pansies yet.
In fact, some right-thinking folks have been fighting back at these bastards with websites like this and this - at least somebody is showing some testicular fortitude in this fight against censorship (political correctness is true censorship... except when the left does it, they call it "celebrating diversity").
It reminds me of the time I got into a verbal tussle with a dimwitted college twit in the early 90s on the campus of the University of Massachusetts. At the time, they were trying to get rid of the "Minuteman" because he was (1) white and (2) carried a musket! Trying to communicate with people (like these protester types) who have no capacity for logic is akin to having a discussion with a pile of wood in the back yard. Well, at least the wood is usually good for something.
Let's hope that the folks at the U of Illinois continue to (sort of) stand up to these malcontents - and let's also hope that sports teams like the Atlanta Braves, Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians and others show more grit than the old Washington Bullets did. If ever a sports franchise was aptly named, it was the Washington Bullets.
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