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Have I mentioned lately how much I despise the French?

Now they've given me another reason, as if I didn't already have plenty.

It was reported last week that Brigitte Bardot was fined by a Paris court for "inciding racial hatred" by speaking the truth about the islamization of France (and for a few other assorted comments regarding homosexuals and the unemployed). And, in France, when you offend muslims, homosexuals and the unemployed, you're referring to a big percentage of the population...

In the book, she laments the "Islamization of France" and the "underground and dangerous infiltration of Islam."

"Mme. Bardot presents Muslims as barbaric and cruel invaders, responsible for terrorist acts and eager to dominate the French to the extent of wanting to exterminate them," the court said.

I don't see where she said anything that's not common knowledge about the islamofascists. Now Mme. Bardot has to fork over $6,000 for daring to speak honestly about the insurgents and their invasion of France. She was even fined several months ago for stating that "France was being overrun by sheep-slaughtering Muslims." And quite frankly, it really couldn't happen to a nicer country. If Brigitte wasn't such an animal-rights nutcase, I'd start a collection for her defense fund.

It's this kind of thought-police political correctness that is right around the corner for us if we, as a country, don't show some backbone against the leftist Old Media and government half-wits who want to control not only what we are allowed to say, but also what we are allowed to think.

But I digress... back to the putrid hell-hole that is France.

Here is an excellent piece from Olivier Guitta regarding the islamization of France and the influence of Saudi-style Wahhabism on the 5-to-8 million muslims living there.

It's a great read if you really want to see how France has left itself open to be eaten alive internally through its own open borders and hyper-tolerance. It's only a matter of time before France falls (not that that takes much effort) to islamofascism, and the usurpers won't even have to bother with employing terrorist tactics. This is why you will not see a terrorist attack in France. Why should the terrorists strike Paris? They're already on track for taking over the country by overrunning it!

And don't be bamboozled by stories like these.

These terror arrests in France are merely window-dressing. They're not about to really overturn the mosques and enrage 10% of their population, who they already know are unstable and violent by nature. The only country on earth serious about turning back the islamofascist barbarians is the United States - and unfortunately, that's the way it's going to stay.