Six Meat Buffet

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If you live in Detroit, stock up on ammo and board up your windows!

Well, since you live in Detroit, you've probably already done that. Apparently, Motowners have their panties in a wad because of Jimmy Kimmel.

On his tedious late-night talk show last week, Kimmel said that "They're going to burn the city of Detroit down if the Pistons win."

In fact, the local ABC affiliate was so irate that they took his show off the air for a few nights - it's unclear whether or not anyone really noticed, though.

Here's the tough part. If Detroit wins - and with a 3 to 1 lead going into the game Tuesday night, it looks likely - how will a night of rioting, burning, looting, violence and general mayhem any different than a regular Tuesday night in the Motor City?

Oh yeah, it's not.