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Chronicles of actual torture...

Here is a great op-ed from Deborah Orin about a torture video from Abu Ghraib and how it is nowhere to be found in the Old Media.

It's not surprising that the Old Media and the American left align themselves with monsters like Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. They celebrate socialism - and a good number of them celebrate outright communism - supporting Marx, Stalin, Mao, the North Vietnamese, now North Korea, Castro, and the list goes on and on.

It's way past time for the American people to realize that Katie Couric and Dan Rather are not just idiots, but are also enemies of the state - the Old Media is firmly aligned with our enemies and should be treated as such. When a criminal is driving the getaway car for an armed robbery, they are guilty of the crime as an accessory. When the Old Media aids the insurgents by constantly attacking our President and our military, they are driving the getaway car for al Qaeda. Turncoats all.