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Ex-U.S. Marine working hard to support Palestinian terror

Read about ex-marine Ken O'Keefe and his recent attempt to sneak into Gaza to rabble-rouse with the Palestinian resistance (over at LGF).

O'Keefe is best known for his attempts to be a human sheild in Iraq before the war - tragically, he failed at that as well.

His concern is purely humanitarian, as you can tell by a recent statement:

O'Keefe said: "I desperately wanted to discuss this idea with people in Gaza, and would not simply accept Israel's refusal to admit me entry. P10K aims to save life on both sides of the conflict, and uphold international law by ending Israel's illegal and immoral occupation, which is the root cause of Palestinian violence."

It's always Israel's fault, because those damn Jews just keep surviving! If they would just quit defending themselves against repeated onslaughts, we would have peace. Isn't that right, Ken?!?