Another beheading
As soon as these islamofascists put a deadline on their murder of Paul Johnson, I knew it was going to happen. Well, anyone with half-a-brain knew it was going to happen. There's really not much more to say about it. We know who these people are, we know that the only way to deal with these militants is to kill them. We're also dreaming if we think the Saudis are going to help with stemming the tide of this type of radicalism in their own country.
If you want to see the photos of this barbaric act, here they are, courtesy of Drudge. These are very graphic photos, and you should not view them if you haven't truly thought about whether or not you can stomach it.
These are the types of photos and videos that the brain-dead American public should be seeing. They need to see the Nick Berg videos, the Abu Ghraib torture videos (not the "torture" by our troops - but the actual torture commited by the Hussein boys), and first and foremost, the footage from 9/11. They need to see the planes hitting the towers of the World Trade Center.

They need to see the people jumping from the buildings.

The American public are too busy with American Idol and People Magazine to actually pay attention to what is going on in the world and how western culture is under attack by 7th century barbarians. They better wake their asses up before the next terrorist attack becomes their rude awakening.
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