What really happened at Abu Ghraib
Via Instapundit, I discovered some info from Roger Simon regarding some new videos that are about to come out of actual atrocities that occurred at Abu Ghraib. And, no, despite what Katie Couric would like you to think, these were not performed by American soldiers.
Read the article here - there are some brief descriptions of the events captured by the videos.
Live castrations, beheadings, gassings, people tossed off of buildings - pretty much the average day for the Hussein administation. The fact that Ted Kennedy, the fat alcoholic idiot from Massachusetts, morally equated the minor abuses by our troops to the torture and rape rooms that the Hussein boys ran, shows how completely void of any moral compass he and the rest of the American left truly are.
However, as the Old Media in America continues to paint Saddam Hussein as a victim and aligns itself with the Islamofascists simply to try to get John Kerry elected, you will probably never hear about these atrocities.
Here is an excellent editorial by Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal that helps put Abu Ghraib in perspective as well.
These Hussein atrocities hardly compare to the posing of terrorists in homoerotic positions. If these prison photos of American abuses had been taken by Madonna or Robert Mapplethorpe, the media would be celebrating them and Congress would be funding them through the NEA.
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