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Truly, ignorance is blix

This past week at Texas A&M, Inspector Dumbass Blix compared the search for Iraq's WMD's to a "witch hunt".

Blix vomited forth this quote:

"It seems to me that the U.S. and U.K. leadership were so convinced that there were weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq] that they couldn't imagine they weren't there," Blix surmised. But of course, he added, the world now knows they were wrong.

What I love about this self-righteous Euro-Socialist bastard (and the rest of the political left for that matter) is their firm conclusion that the WMD's did not exist. The fact is, that while we played footsy with the worthless United Nations for years creating resolution after resolution, Saddam had plenty of time to move his goods to his cronies in Syria and *gasp* Iran. I know that's hard for the Old Media to believe, but the fact that we haven't yet found the WMDs, doesn't mean squat.

But, it is an election year, and unfounded conclusions are what matter most today - not the actual protection of the country or of our troops overseas.