Six Meat Buffet

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Here they come

I've been forced to take a little time off from ranting and raving but I've finally carved a few minutes out to share something that recently caught my eye....

...and it's the Red Chinese showing off their tools in Hong Kong Harbor!

First, they'll take Taiwan. That will take about a day and a half, but it will seem like a week. Next, they'll take back Hong Kong. That will probably take about 3 or 4 days, but it will seem like a month. Then they'll head over to this hemisphere and start taking over Central America from their handy outpost at the Panama Canal. That will take about a week, but will only seem like a couple of days. It's going to be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, we'll still be over polishing our boots in the middle-east watching the Chi-Coms give high-fives to CNN anchors as each new territory hoists crimson flags, each with five gold stars.