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Senators always think first with their rectum

A group of "non-partisan" senators seek the demolition of Abu Ghraib - the Iraqi prison where Saddam Hussein used to torture and execute innocent Iraqis, and where the U.S. Military has allegedly humiliated some Islamofascist insurgents.

In a response so typical of American politicians, these senators are showing their backbone by going after an inanimate object.

American politicians have a long history of this kind of quick and decisive action.

For example, when faced with the tough issue of crime and related gun violence, they went after firearms (a crusade which continues to this day). Firearms, contrary to what Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings would have you believe, are inanimate objects. They do not commit crimes on their own, but, nonetheless are the target (pun intended) of these same courageous politicos.

Another good example is fast food. While millions of grotesquely obese Americans continue to super-size their asses, these same brave bureaucrats attack the burgers, fries and 128-ounce cokes that these behemoths cram down their cavernous throats.

Now, these same elected officials want to tear down this prison because that will make everything all better. It's this type of convoluted logic and piss-poor leadership that is why this country is floating down the slope of a urinal trough ever closer to the inevitable drain.