The religion of peace is at it again
While the Old Media in America is spending all its time trying to convince you to feel horribly guilty about some questionable interrogation techniques used by a handful of our soldiers at Abu Ghraib, Islam has again shown its true nature with the beheading of an American contractor in Iraq.
The fact remains that we have done the right thing in Iraq and we still have the moral high ground in the war on terrorism, despite what the Old Media would have you believe.
Little Green Footballs has a link to the video of the slaughter of Nick Berg.
I don't feel the need to watch it because my rage against the so-called "religion of peace" doesn't need any reinforcement. This death-cult continues to show its true nature in each of these incidents - from Daniel Pearl, to the dragging and burning of American contractors in Fallujah, to homicide bombings in pizza parlors in Israel, to the beheading of Nick Berg.
For those of you who continue to make excuses for them and equate radical Islam with other religions, you are suicidally mistaken. This beheading is exactly what these Islamofascists would like to do to each and every one of us. We are fighting a war against animals and until a majority of Americans fully comprehends what we're up against, the Old Media will continue to succeed in their crusade to create doubt and erode morale amongst the military and citizenry alike.
In the meantime, human debris like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry are using the abuses at Abu Ghraib to push their Marxist political agenda in order to attack the military and secure the White House in November. They are so completely deranged that they put their own political ambitions above the security of the country and especially of our troops currently putting their asses on the line every day. Even John Kerry admits that he committed "atrocities" in Vietnam far worse than anything that happened at Abu Ghraib. When will he be "brought to justice"? The politicization of the handful of abuses at Abu Ghraib is one more example of how liberalism truly is a mental illness, and how the left in America (intentionally or unintentionally) acts in concert with our enemies.
The humiliations of insurgents at Abu Ghraib prison are NOT atrocities. If you want to know what an atrocity is, go and watch the Berg video, if you have the stomach for it. If you already understand the magnitude of the fight we're in, and you understand the monsters we are fighting against, then you don't need to watch the video. Think hard about it before you do it.
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