The hags are back
Yes, the Nanny State of America gets another shot in the arm this weekend as the Millions of Moronic Moms march all across this country, to remind us how guns kill kids.
It's that simplistic. Guns kill kids. Not, people kill kids with guns (and many other items, by the way); or, kids kill other kids with guns; or, moms kill kids with guns; or kids kill moms with guns, or whatever.
These harridans will march this weekend to remind the ignorant American public that people who own guns are bad. Fortunately, unless you're watching CNN or C-Span, odds are you won't have to listen to it.
This site is priceless.
The site's organizers have dumbed it down for you, in case you don't know how bad guns are. Some quotes:
'I think that guns don't just kill individuals. They kill families.'
- Allison, age 13
- Allison, age 13
Well, at least Allison has figured out that guns aren't discriminatory when they go out shooting people.
'I think guns are not good for kids.'
- Robbie, age 7
- Robbie, age 7
Robbie may have what it takes to be a politician one day.
'Gun violence affects me by making me wonder will it happen to me?'
- Katherine, age 12
- Katherine, age 12
Surely, Katherine has more important things to worry about, like how she's going to get into Mary Kate & Ashley movies now that they're all rated R.
And be sure to visit their "hands without guns" spinoff website. It's like "Hands Across America" but without guns!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Guns are inanimate objects. They don't kill people without someone pulling the trigger. And, logically, the person, not the object, is the responsible party. But don't try to use logic with these Oprah book club members.
Here are some good archived articles from a pro-2nd Amendment site for your perusal (and to offset the shrieking of the millions of raving battle-axes that you may be afflicted by this weekend).
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