Six Meat Buffet

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Safe and sound in the Sunshine State - er - Hurricane Alley

Well, I completely missed the debate due to an 8 hour drive, but after taking a quick gander at the blogosphere, it sounds like President Junior did as well as any of us could have expected, and that's good. Real good.

Speaking of the drive, I don't know if you've ever taken an 8-hour joyride with a 2-year-old and an 8-month-old - I'm sure a few of you have - but Preston Jr. and Sally were fucking outstanding. No prolonged periods of screaming, no bouts of whining, throwing of objects, self-mutilation - nothing but completely tolerable behavior. I'm still a little stunned by it, honestly.

Anyway, if Mrs. Holmes lets me, I'm going to go looking for some Hurricane Ivan destruction to take pictures of and possibly post them here if they're interesting enough.

I'll dig into more post-debate reviews and what-not tomorrow. Now I must go pass out.