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Are all Democrats criminals, or just most of them?

Damn! You people need to settle down. First, you try to steal the 2000 election through the courts in Florida. Then, you deface a 3-year-old girl's campaign sign and threaten her with union-style abuse. You cold-cock a U.S. soldier at a Toby Keith concert from behind, and run away.

That wasn't enough, was it? You had to go and forge memos and use them for political gain on 60 minutes. Now, you're planning all kinds of voter fraud nationwide, as if this is anything new for your party - the party of illegals, felons and dead voters.

That still wasn't enough. Now you're attacking inanimate objects and legitimate places of business:

Then, today in Milwaukee, you hold another GOP Headquarters hostage. What the hell is wrong with you freaks?

(MILWAUKEE) – More than 50 demonstrators supporting Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry stormed a Republican campaign office in West Allis at mid-day today, trespassing, creating a disturbance through the use of a bullhorn in the office and then refusing to leave when asked.

The Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) condemned the action by Kerry supporters, and asked the Kerry campaign and the Democrat Party of Wisconsin to do the same.

"Do John Kerry and Wisconsin Democrats really believe this is conduct becoming of a presidential candidate and his campaign?" RPW Chairman Rick Graber asked. "It is unfortunate that Team Kerry feels the need to engage in such childish and obnoxious behavior."

And all that after more of your finest Wisconsin-area strategists burned swastikas in the yards of Bush supporters after stealing their yard signs. Classy.

I mean, have you all just fucking lost it?

10/7 UPDATE:

As usual, Johnny Walker Red is quoting Asimov.
Blake over at Nashville Files has a similar round-up.
David at ISOU thinks the thuggery is equal on both sides, even though we all know it isn't. He even quotes the most evil man to ever live, Ronald Reagan.
Rob agrees that the left has lost their ever-lovin' minds.
King of Fools sticks their head in to see what the ruckus is about.
Sparse Matrix is preparing for the coming Bush impeachment.
Kimberly wonders if these people are just confused.
The Man tells us about a grapplin' granny in NYC who assaulted a Bush supporter with her cane. Undoubtedly a proud seasoned-citizen member of the handout classes.
The Commissar has his own dim-o-crack violence roundup
Jane from Armies of Liberation has a round-up to contribute as well - via Dean's World.