Polls are for chumps. However.....
(via Right on Red)
Outside the Beltway has a link to Slate's Election Scorecard and it looks surprisingly good for President Junior. Here's the map:
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When you see a map with that much red on it, you can't help but feel a little confident, even if that confidence is based entirely on fleeting, unreliable polling than can change at the drop of a hat.
Speaking of debates, the VP candidates are about to square off and I may try to watch it. I don't have the same feeling of dread that I have before a Bush debate, though, as Johnny Walker Red points out, Cheney's ticker could give out at any point during the debate, so that alone makes it worth watching.
I hope that Cheney's willing to play bad cop and tear John Boy a new asshole. I'm not optimistic that this will actually happen, but a guy can dream.
Okay, I've been watching the debate. I believe John Boy just channeled the ghost of another dead baby, who gave him some incorrect facts on Iraq, as well as the names of some more physicians to sue.
Dick is trying to hide his disdain for John Boy, but he can't help himself. At least he's fighting back instead of lying down like President Junior.
I'm tuning out because I can't stomach looking at that carny side-show ambulance chaser any longer. If you want some fun running commentary, go read LGF's debate commenters - it's always hilarity at 900 MPH.
Holy crap - did everyone just catch Edwards' phony compassion for Israeli children blown up in a suicide bombing?!? That's how he made his millions - fabrication and bad acting.
10/6 UPDATE:
Well dammit. Fox News reports that one of my favorite lines from last night's debate has been debunked. Cheney listed John Boy's horrendous attendance and voting record in the Senate - both on votes and committee meetings - then followed up by saying that the first time they met was when they walked on the stage. This turned out not to be true - they had met several times before.
Before all you gleeful pants-shitting leftists start new chants of "Dick Lied! John Boy Cried!", the point was still well made. Both Lurch and John Boy both have horrible attendance records - and even worse voting records when they were there. I guess we should be greatful for their continued absences.
If any of us in the private sector had that kind of attendance record (with the exception of my boss), we'd be out on our ass in no time flat.
Rob at Say Anything has a few more details about Lurch & John Boy's un-distinguished Senatorial records as well as the "controversy" surrounding Cheney's comments. David over at ISOU says that Dick Lied! Dick Lied! Dick Lied! Well, he's not really that hysterical, but that was fun to type.
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