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John Kerry, male prostitute

Well, in another fine example of the left's version of separation of church and state, Lurch took his Traveling Socialist Sideshow into a black Baptist church in Miami to pander to a target audience he already has in his back pocket.

MIAMI - With just three Sundays left before Election Day, Sen. John Kerry is asking for all the help he can get from black voters and the Almighty.

The Democratic presidential nominee attended two church services Sunday, instead of his usual one, worshipping first with Haitian Catholics and then with black Baptists, where the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton tied his election to the civil rights struggle.

"We have an unfinished march in this nation," Kerry said at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, as many congregants waved fans handed out by the campaign with his slogan, "Hope is on the way."

"Never again will a million African Americans be denied the right to exercise their vote in the United States of America," Kerry promised, referring to the disputed Florida recount in the 2000 presidential race. As he often does before black audiences, Kerry said he has a legal team that will aggressively respond to any allegations of disenfranchisement.

What a parade of the horribles. Have these people no shame? They spend 364 days out of the year preaching the separation of church and state, and on the 365th, they turn the pulpit into their own squawk box, telling paritioners that if they don't stay on the plantation and vote dim-o-crack that all their rights will be taken away.

Kerry, Sharpton, Jackson, et al, are liars and shameless hucksters who the congregation should run out of the sanctuary on a rail, but instead they dine on their lies like Thanksgiving dinner. I don't know which is worse, the phony reverends or the congregations who allow their places of worship to be turned into dens of political iniquity.


Mrs. Holmes pointed out a quote that I can't believe I missed in this story:

"November 2, the power is in your hands, hands that once picked cotton," Jackson said.

Added Sharpton: "Everything we have fought for, marched for, gone to jail for — some died for — could be reversed if the wrong people are put on the Supreme Court."

This is 2004, not 1964. This race-baiting has gone on for far too long, and these two dinosaurs of the class-warfare movement should be put out to pasture.

10/11 UPDATE:

Michelle Malkin is also asking "where are the separation of church & state ninnies" on this latest church befouling?