Love is in the air
Well, Bush/Cheney love in the form of campaign signs in my neighborhood, that is.
Just a day after we got tired of looking at all the Kerry/Edwards: A Weaker America yard signs and put up our own Bush/Cheney sign, 5 more have suddenly appeared on our street.
As of this week, there has been a 7-sign swing. Monday it was 4-0 in favor of Lurch/John Boy - as of this afternoon, it was 7-4 in favor of Bush/Cheney. I'm not a professional pollster, but I am stating unequivocally that this guarantees victory in November.
That being said, here's a little advice for President Junior's campaign: Don't make assertions claiming that Kerry is for big government when you've spent us out of house and home. We're not completely daft. Just talk about the war on terror. It's the only issue that matters and you've got the edge. Keep your mouth shut about all domestic issues. I'm Devious Honey Holmes Flow and I approved this message.
10:45 PM UPDATE: I was just perusing Say Anything, and Rob has opined nearly the same sentiments. Great minds and all that... He also referred to Michelle Malkin's take on Bush's big government affliction.
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