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Laura Inghram punches Bill O'Reilly's teeth loose

I just happened to be bouncing around from Fox to the Weather Channel to Fox, etc, and Laura Ingraham is on the O'Reilly Factor defending what the pompous pundit called "right wing" talk radio and the blogosphere.

O'Reilly, in his usual self-righteous tone, was incredulous that anyone - especially bloggers - would dare hold Dan Rather's feet to the fire over memogate. Laura took him to the woodshed. I wish I had been able to bring you more details, but I'm sure there will be a transcript to be found somewhere in short order.

Laura reminded Bill that it's right-thinking Americans who put him on his pedestal by watching Fox, buying his books and listening to his fairly horrible talk radio show - which seemed to humble him for a split second. He did quickly snap out of it, however. You should catch the late replay of O'Reilly and watch it.