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W...w...w...w...Wictory Wednesday

It's Wictory Wednesday again, and we remind you, though you can't technically donate to the Bush campaign, you can still volunteer and berate likely voters with Anti-Kerry propaganda.

Or, you can do as we did, and go to your local Bush/Cheney/GOP HQ and get a yard sign and stick it in your yard and piss off your neighbors. I've been shocked and saddened to see how many Lurch/John Boy signs have gone up in our neighborhood.

After considering it, it makes sense. Our little subdivision is filled with yankee transplants and retirees. So in the case of the transplants, you've got dumbed down socialist yankee union types who are too conditioned to know any better - and in the case of the retirees, you've got octogenarians with their hands out to uncle sam, buying the "Republicans are going to steal your social security and medicare" garbage fed to them by the Old Media. I recommend that everyone display a Bush/Cheney yard sign - even if it's just to irritate old people and union thugs.

On a related note, Tom Daschle is on the ropes in North Dakota. You can help push him off the cliff and into the abyss by donating to his opponent John Thune's campaign. It would be a huge victory to get rid of Daschle's Senatorial obstructionism this fall so kick in a few bucks!

On a related campaign note, LaShawn Barber knocks one out of the park with this post this morning. She's quickly becoming a favorite.

Your Wictory Wednesday bloggers...