Granny D All Up In The Hizzy!
94-year old grandmother running for New Hampshire senate seat - seeking to unseat liberal Republican Judd Gregg in this November's election.
Well, I don't know if Gregg is a liberal Republican or not, but most of those Northeastern Republican-types are usually leftists in sheeps' clothing. (See Jim Jeffords, for example)
Doris Haddock, or "Granny D" - a moniker she has adopted to keep her from getting mugged or killed in the types of neighborhoods she'll have to campaign in as a Dim-O-Crat - has come out swinging, making sure everyone knows that she is "not a nice old lady."
Haddock vehemently opposes the war in Iraq, and calls Gregg "an enabler of George Bush's neo-con scourge." The daughter of a warehouse worker, she decries the flight of good jobs overseas that is making us "a nation of Wal-Mart greeters."
"I am the angry grandmother come off my porch to ask young Judd what in the world he is thinking when he supports Bush's military misadventures, supports the transfer of billions of our tax dollars to billionaires and supports the shipping of our jobs overseas," Haddock said in announcing her candidacy this summer.
"I am the angry grandmother come off my porch to ask young Judd what in the world he is thinking when he supports Bush's military misadventures, supports the transfer of billions of our tax dollars to billionaires and supports the shipping of our jobs overseas," Haddock said in announcing her candidacy this summer.
While no one is really quite sure what she's talking about, this is certainly an entertaining election story at the very least. Even though I personally disagree with her positions and unintelligible rhetoric, I can't help but pull for her just a little bit.
Granny D is no stranger to taking on challenges - she "once walked across the country despite emphysema brought on by a half-century of smoking." If the Republicans in congress had half the spunk of Granny D, they might not be the limp-wristed whipping boys of the Dim-O-Crat minority.
Speaking of the GOP, in typical "please don't hurt me, I'm just a wittle wepublican" fashion, Judd Gregg is refusing to fight back.
Gregg has not responded to Haddock's attacks. "I'm going to run on my issues," Gregg has said. "I don't spend a lot of time trying to juxtapose myself with my other opponents."
Translated: "I'm not going to make any comments because I am a weak Republican and I don't want to add to the reality that there's barely a lick of difference between myself and my opposition."
Is it any wonder conservatives are jumping off the GOP ship with weakness like this?
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