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The NBA Sucks

U.S. Olympic Basketball gets their asses kicked by lowly Puerto Rico.

Okay, Mrs. Holmes is going to shoe me in the nuts for this one, but I couldn't resist. I was going to completely boycott the Olympics (much like the U.S. did the Moscow games in 1980), due to my intense dislike for the games, but this one had to be blogged.

The Puerto Ricans - known more for baseball than basketball for sure - beat the living hell out of America's basketball prima donnas 92-73.

While this doesn't knock the U.S. out of gold medal contention, it certainly is a kick in the teeth, and a well-deserved one at that. These NBA superstars have demonstrated how much the NBA game has turned into nothing more than a bunch of self-absorbed over-paid showboats who have no concept of team-oriented sports. The NBA has sucked hard since the early 90's and this is just another example of its continuing downhill slide.

Now, if the NBA would just go on strike for the next year, I would be truly elated.

UPDATE: Drudge must have been reading my blog, as he was just going off on his weekly (thank goodness it's only weekly) radio show about how the U.S. Olympic basketball team came out during the opening ceremonies with an attitude of "show me the gold... where do I go pick up my gold..." He did, however, point out that they weren't talking about new gold for their teeth, but rather Olympic gold.