It Might be a Bad Union When...
German prostitutes reject employment contract.
German prostitutes have rejected the first ever employment contract created by union officials.
The refused to sign the deal, which includes six weeks holiday and a pension, because they are to embarrassed to admit what they do...
Based on the regulations, a prostitute is entitled to "30 paid holiday days a year" and should "not work more than five days a week".
The contract also includes Christmas and holiday bonuses for prostitutes.
Only 100 of Germany's 400,000 prostitutes have joined ver.di so far, and the majority of these have rejected the contract completely because they don't want to admit what they do for a living.
The refused to sign the deal, which includes six weeks holiday and a pension, because they are to embarrassed to admit what they do...
Based on the regulations, a prostitute is entitled to "30 paid holiday days a year" and should "not work more than five days a week".
The contract also includes Christmas and holiday bonuses for prostitutes.
Only 100 of Germany's 400,000 prostitutes have joined ver.di so far, and the majority of these have rejected the contract completely because they don't want to admit what they do for a living.
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. That's a hell of a lot more time off than I get - then again, I work for a pretty crappy company, but that's another story for another day.
Now why wouldn't these gentlemen and ladies of leisure sign on to such a generous union deal (other than the fact that unions are evil)?
The union contract attempts to regulate everything from the duties of a "sex worker" to working hours and holiday claims.
Devised by the ver.di service industry union, the legal work aims to regulate the relationship between German call girls and brothel owners.
"Sex workers should have the same rights as any other employee," said a speaker for ver.di.
Devised by the ver.di service industry union, the legal work aims to regulate the relationship between German call girls and brothel owners.
"Sex workers should have the same rights as any other employee," said a speaker for ver.di.
Looks like these sex workers are craftier than your average glory hole ragamuffin. They probably see the union as just another series of regulators quick to stifle their carnal creativity. You have to give them credit for opposing burdensome regulation.
Are these the same kind of spats we'd get into if we legalized prostitution here in the States? No wonder the government wants to keep sex-for-money on the down-low. They've got enough unions to squabble with.
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