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The idiots are loose!

I'm starting to wonder why they didn't build cages for the moonbats in NYC like they did for the Dim-o-cracks in Boston. The loons are out in full force - and perhaps like never before in this country - parading their sorry asses through Manhattan.

I'm enjoying the festivities on CSPAN - I suggest you do the same. This massive group of retards is demonstrating exactly why we need Bush to triumph in November. Anyone who punches a chad for Kerry this fall is in league with these people - whether they're moonbats or not - they are accessories to the idiocy of these raving simpletons and any violence that occurs in NYC is on their hands as well.

Little Green Footballs is following the festivities and, as usual, will be a great resource throughout the week for moonbat analysis.

In the 5 minutes I've been watching, I've seen the following signs: "Asses of Evil: Bush/Cheney", "Fuck Bush!", "Bush Lied, Who died?", "No Dick No Bush", "Dick + Bush = Fucked", "End the Occupation!", "Poverty is a Weapon of Mass Destruction!" - you know, the usual creative work of the left. Some chants heard: "Bull Shit!", "Hey, hey, ho, ho Bush & Cheney have got to go!" Quite honestly, I don't know how CSPAN is getting away with this crap.

I thought this would would be more entertaining than infuriating, but so far it isn't. Hopefully it will become so at some point.