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Leftists recoil at 9/11 images

I was just revisiting this post at Something To Cry About - and it caused me to consider what it is that makes pants-shitting leftists have such visceral reactions to 9/11 images. As this is election season, and we're approaching the three-year anniversary of the attacks, it's a timely topic to ponder.

The primary reason that the left so reviles any mention or memory of the 9/11 attacks is because it exposes their belief system (if you can make the logical leap of suggesting that liberals have a belief system) as nothing more than a massive load of bunk.

Their pacifism is deadly - deadly to Americans who actually want to remain alive. Their belief that all people are inherently good and can be reasoned with was blown up on 9/11. Their multiculturalism and hyper-tolerance were proven to be our achilles heel on 9/11 - and we're paying the price to this day. They can't accept that true evil exists, because they've spent so much time using the term "evil" to describe Enron and Ronald Reagan.

In short, 9/11 images are to leftists as garlic is to Dracula, as kryptonite is to Superman, and as the vice squad is to Barney Frank's gay basement prostitution ring.

In the weeks and months following 9/11, liberalism was thankfully dead. They were proven irrelevent. In fact, many liberals were horrified by the attacks - not because of the slaughter and the murderous insanity - but because of the very hatred they felt as a reaction to the events - hatred that they had no idea was inside them. Everyone - liberals included (except for the Ted Ralls, Michael Moores and Hillary Clintons, who believed that either we deserved it or it was a plot hatched by the Bush Administration) - responded with a justifiable blood lust for revenge. A good number of Americans - myself included - still feel this way about the Islamofascists.

Every time the liberals are confronted with 9/11 images, they start talking about how "tasteless" and "disrespectful" it is to even mention 9/11. This is how the Old Media has removed the images from television, print and the web. They are hoping that out of sight truly is out of mind - and, for a lot of brain-dead, reality-T.V.-watching Americans, this approach works like gangbusters.

Back to the aforementioned post at Something To Cry About.

This post very deftly lays out the Kerry Doctrine. When Lurch boldly "reported for duty" at the Dim-O-Crack convention a few weeks ago, he laid out his terrorism plan. Simply put, he will (1) get Europe to help us fight the Islamofascists, then (2) after waiting for another terrorist attack, he'll really think about going after them. The post's text is simple:

Help Is on the Way...

Fellow Americans, While you plunge to your death please remember that John Forbes Kerry will go after the terrorists...after you hit the ground.

And those terrorists will be tried in U.S. Courts (where O.J. Simpson received American Justice) as criminals with hundreds of attorneys from the Middle East, Germany and France defending them; and, since Kerry does not support the death penalty for terrorists, will spend the rest of their lives in jail contemplating their actions.

Remember, these are criminals and your death resulted from an act of murder, NOT war.

Rest assured, sir, as you fall to your death, that the Kerry Doctrine will do its best to avenge your death but will do nothing to prevent it.


The post's text is interspersed with images from the 9/11 attack on the WTC - it's a very simple post that makes a brutally poignant point. So much so that some leftist commenters have proven my assertion that liberalism is a psychological disorder with drivel like this:

A tasteless use of images from a targic event. Saying Kerry would not have prevented this is also rather hypocritical considering that Bush didn't prevent it either.
You're one sick puppy to use tragedy for political gain.

Man, you're too fucking stupid to realize that the only people KERRY SUPPORTS THE DEATH PENALTY FOR ARE TERRORISTS!! Get a life, you right-wing war monger.
Kerry Supporter

Um, I'm pretty sure that death caused by war is still an act of murder. Also, as OJ Simpson was found Not Guilty, he did receive justice. He was innocent until proven guilty right? And then subsequentally not found guilty? Just making sure I have the Facts correct.
Yes No OK

Dude, not only is this a disgusting use of tragedy (which I imagine the Bush campaign will give serious thought to emulating), it's utterly dishonest.
You refer to Middle Eastern, French and German lawyers as lining up to defend terrorists, but the link you provide mentions no Germans, one Frenchman and one American, the latter which you somehow neglect to mention. You missed the chance to tar an American leftist, you big dummy.
I do have to admit though that Aisha Gadhafi is hotter than hell, a place that I would imagine a post like this reserves you your own special ring in.

You right-wing war mongers deserve to be killed in another attack. And I don't regret saying that.

This is why we need to see as many 9/11 images as possible over this election season and beyond. We are currently in the midst of World War III and it's not a traditional war in the sense of WWI & WWII. This is a completely different type of war - one in which our enemies target our civilians instead of our military, and one in which we must urgently kill the Islamofascists before they figure out a way to kill us. This doesn't mean that we follow Lurch's doctrine and sit back, hold hands and sing Puff the Magic Dragon and wait for the next attack. We do what President Bush has already started - go after them until they are taking a dirt nap or no longer able to fight back.

Let's make today "Send a 9/11 image to your liberal friends" day. They'll hate you for it, but there's still a slim chance that you'll wake them back up from their delusional CNN-state-of-mind.