Harry Hartoonian Speaks
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Some of the "offensive comments":
Islam exists as it is taught in the Koran and lived by Muhammad. Muhammad, by the way, was hardly an example that one would wish to emulate. He had affairs with maids and slave girls and was also a pedophile --and before we get outraged e-mails on the latter point, here is chapter and verse: the girl's name was Aisha, she was 9, he was 53. He was also involved in the slave trade, assassinations, and genocide. But, what the heck, nobody is perfect.
Let's, as the sportscasters say, go to the record book, which, in this case is the Koran.
"Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them." (2:191)
"Fight and slay the pagans [translation: that's us], seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem." (9:5)
Further apropos disbelievers, "...garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods." (22:19).
The Koran also instructs Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and the feet of the unbelievers (5:33), fight unbelievers until no other religion except Islam remains.
Given these basic teachings of Islam there is little reason to be surprised at the recent beheading of Americans taken hostage.
Muslims, married to a failed past, offer little hope for integration into modern society. Israel giving them land to which they are not entitled, or the United States not punishing them for criminal acts, will not assuage their rage. America must learn it cannot negotiate or reason with people who consider us infidels. It must recognize that the enemy is often among us and all the exposure available to them in Western civilization with its tolerances and respect for individual rights will not affect their seething anger at imagined wrongs, injustices, and illogical sense of entitlement.
Historically, use of strength, swift and certain punishment, and resolve of purpose are all that is left us to effectively deal with their primitive madness. And until we recognize this, there will be many more beheadings and September elevenths.
Let's, as the sportscasters say, go to the record book, which, in this case is the Koran.
"Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them." (2:191)
"Fight and slay the pagans [translation: that's us], seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem." (9:5)
Further apropos disbelievers, "...garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods." (22:19).
The Koran also instructs Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and the feet of the unbelievers (5:33), fight unbelievers until no other religion except Islam remains.
Given these basic teachings of Islam there is little reason to be surprised at the recent beheading of Americans taken hostage.
Muslims, married to a failed past, offer little hope for integration into modern society. Israel giving them land to which they are not entitled, or the United States not punishing them for criminal acts, will not assuage their rage. America must learn it cannot negotiate or reason with people who consider us infidels. It must recognize that the enemy is often among us and all the exposure available to them in Western civilization with its tolerances and respect for individual rights will not affect their seething anger at imagined wrongs, injustices, and illogical sense of entitlement.
Historically, use of strength, swift and certain punishment, and resolve of purpose are all that is left us to effectively deal with their primitive madness. And until we recognize this, there will be many more beheadings and September elevenths.
I guess we're supposed to look the other way and pretend that President Junior is right when he drones on and on about islam being a "religion of peace" whilst drooling out the side of his mouth on his teleprompter.
CAIR has a long history of trying to use intimidation against anyone who dares disparage their beloved religion of peace. The WorldNet Daily article chronicles some of their tactics and targets:
Earlier this year, CAIR announced a campaign "to counter anti-Islamic hate on talk radio," called Hate Hurts America."
The campaign includes "step-by-step instructions on how to monitor local and syndicated radio programs, report anti-Muslim hate, file FCC complaints, and contact advertisers to register their concerns."
As WorldNetDaily reported in December, CAIR demanded an apology from legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey for saying Islam is a religion that "encourages killing."
A week later, a fill-in host referred to the comment, saying Harvey had received letters from several Muslim friends who "reminded all of us that Islam is a religion of peace, that terrorists do not represent Islam."
WND reported in November radio counselor Dr. Laura Schlessinger refused to apologize as demanded by CAIR, which accused her of launching an "anti-Muslim tirade" on her program.
CAIR took offense to Schlessinger's response to a mother who asked whether her 16-year-old daughter should take part in a Catholic high school class's field trip to a local mosque. The visit was part of a "moral themes" class that aimed to help students learn how "Muslims are treated" in the United States.
Schlessinger told the mother she should tell the teacher "you are willing to go to the mosque only if it is one that has done its best to rout out terrorists in its midst."
CAIR said Schlessinger "crossed the line from legitimate commentary on terrorism to Islamophobic bigotry."
Schlessinger said, in response, "It's absurd that anyone would even imagine that I was expressing disdain for everyone who is a Muslim or who is an Arab. That's even stupid. If anybody has listened to me for any period of time, that's absurd."
As WorldNetDaily reported in December, CAIR demanded an apology from legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey for saying Islam is a religion that "encourages killing."
A week later, a fill-in host referred to the comment, saying Harvey had received letters from several Muslim friends who "reminded all of us that Islam is a religion of peace, that terrorists do not represent Islam."
WND reported in November radio counselor Dr. Laura Schlessinger refused to apologize as demanded by CAIR, which accused her of launching an "anti-Muslim tirade" on her program.
CAIR took offense to Schlessinger's response to a mother who asked whether her 16-year-old daughter should take part in a Catholic high school class's field trip to a local mosque. The visit was part of a "moral themes" class that aimed to help students learn how "Muslims are treated" in the United States.
Schlessinger told the mother she should tell the teacher "you are willing to go to the mosque only if it is one that has done its best to rout out terrorists in its midst."
CAIR said Schlessinger "crossed the line from legitimate commentary on terrorism to Islamophobic bigotry."
Schlessinger said, in response, "It's absurd that anyone would even imagine that I was expressing disdain for everyone who is a Muslim or who is an Arab. That's even stupid. If anybody has listened to me for any period of time, that's absurd."
You have to give the CAIR bastards credit, however. They've obviously been well-coached by ACLU types and have learned how to throw the term "hate speech" around until their victims cower in fear, lest they be thought of as "intolerant."
What I recommend is that you head on over to JackieMason.Com and pick up some merchandise to support him! I was fortunate enough to get his autograph after a show in Nashville several years ago and it's an even bigger prize today.
Thanks to LGF for the tip
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