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Prepare to be nauseated

Do you ever wonder where all of this islamofascist hatred for the west comes from? Do you ever wonder when it starts? Well, in the islamic world, it's pretty much at birth.

Thanks to Little Green Footballs, here are a couple of glimpses into the delightful world of kiddie islam.

The most recent is a new video LGF discovered by way of a Swedish islamic forum where kids have videotaped themselves re-enacting the beheading of Nick Berg.

LGF notes that, in order to properly play-act the video, they must have studied it pretty thoroughly.

You should also enjoy this islamic child abuse slideshow - this will help you understand how deeply rooted this death cult truly is.

If you haven't fully explored LGF, you should. It is by far the best blog going when it comes to exposing the left and defending the west against islamofascists.