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Aborting democrats

The Empty Cradle Will Rock: How abortion is costing the Democrats voters--literally.

This is a great article by Larry Eastland at the American Spectator regarding how legalized abortion has affected the number of dim-o-crat voters in greater proportion to their GOP counterparts. I have always believed that one of the positives - the only positive, really - to come out of legalized abortion is that, odds are, the majority of abortions are being performed on dimwitted left-leaning voters, who would probably raise left-leaning dim-o-crat children.

Sure, that's a little harsh, but as Eastland confirms in his column, "kids tend to absorb the values of their parents." To assume that these "missing voters" as Edwards refers to them, would vote like their parents is an obvious conclusion. Edwards delves into some hard statistics, however, which are well worth reading. More:

More than 40 million legal abortions have been performed and documented in the 30 years since the U.S. Supreme Court declared abortion legal. The debate remains focused on the legality and morality of abortion. What's largely ignored is a factual analysis of the political consequences of 40 million abortions. Consider:

* There were 12,274,368 in the Voting Age Population of 205,815,000 missing from the 2000 presidential election, because of abortions from 1973-82.

* In this year's election, there will be 18,336,576 in the Voting Age Population missing because of abortions between 1972 and 1986.

* In the 2008 election, 24,408,960 in the Voting Age Population will be missing because of abortions between 1973-90.

These numbers will not change. They are based on individual choices made--aggregated nationally--as long as 30 years ago. Look inside these numbers at where the political impact is felt most. Do Democrats realize that millions of Missing Voters--due to the abortion policies they advocate--gave George W. Bush the margin of victory in 2000?

The number of abortions accumulate in size and political impact as the years roll along. Like an avalanche that picks up speed, mass, and power as it thunders down a mountain, the number of Missing Voters from abortion changes the landscape of politics. The absence of the missing voters may not be noticed, but that doesn't mean its political impact disappears. As seen during a famine, what no longer exists becomes as relevant as what does.

Very interesting read.