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Appropriate beating inappropriately caught on tape


Pursuit suspect beaten in controversial use of force.

You've got to love the way the media coddles criminals. Even the lead to this story suggests that this innocent victim was hunted down simply because he was black.

Police were investigating officers' use of force Wednesday during the arrest of an unarmed black man who led them on a chase after allegedly being spotted driving a stolen car...The incident began about 5 a.m. when LAPD officers began chasing a suspected stolen Toyota Camry in an area patrolled by the Southeast Station.

Apparently, this respectable gentleman was simply minding his own business -- probably driving to an early revival at church, or perhaps to deliver a meal to a shut-in, or maybe he was even headed to work (chuckle) -- and was unfairly targeted and savaged, simply due to profiling.

"How much longer are we going to sit around and watch our brothers and sisters be treated like this," said Morris Griffin of the Los Angeles Coalition for Justice and Peace to End Police Brutality Committee.

Well, Morris, why don't you convince your brothers and sisters to quit stealing cars and leading cops on high-speed chases, which could (and occasionally does) result in the deaths of innocent motorists and pedestrians?

"Here we go again," Ali said. "This is Rodney King all over again ... this has got to stop."

No, this isn't Rodney King all over again. We're not sure yet if this suspect was a wife-beating crack-addict criminal like Mr. King. All we know about this one is that he is (allegedly... wink wink) a low-level car thief.

I suppose we should excuse Mr. King's for his repeated criminal behavior and wife-beating - he's probably suffering from post-traumatic slave disorder. We'll just have to wait and see if this car-thief's beating was as well-deserved as the one leveled upon everyone's beloved civil-rights hero Rodney King.