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Useless idiots

(via the T-Man)

There is a digital socialist/pacifist collective (well, they're the opposite of us brownshirts, but I can't think of a catchy title for them) out there who have organized a campaign of "apology" pictures for the people of Iraq. Check out their parade of the horribles here.

If you'd like to take a little trip through the deranged mind of the American anti-war left, this is a great place to start. This gallery of drooling idiots demonstrates beyond a doubt that the American left is a group of mentally ill freaks who have brought their status as social pariah on themselves.

In addition, this serves as yet another reminder - don't put your ugly mug up on the web - especially in this kind of context. You open yourself up for well-deserved ridicule and you deserve whatever mockery and humiliation befalls you.

Plenty of folks have already started the predictable exercise of ridiculing these dolts, and I'm no exception. However, I'm going to try and milk it for a while. So instead of shooting my wad all at once, I'll throw up the occasional photo for my own (and hopefully your) amusement. Join in the fun - e-mail me your own photoshopped version of these moronic pictures and if they're good, I'll post them.

Folks piling on with more hilarious mockery: Sean Gleeson, LGF, Silent Running, Mike Jericho,, Dorkafork.


I totally missed Sean's Page of Atonement, which provides links to a whole host of other folks running with this particular ball - including, but not limited to - Lumberjack, Editors in Pajamas, Linda, Watcher of Weasels, Mudville Gazette and Gordo the Cranky Neocon.