Sunday Night Roundup
Well hell, after an 8.5 hour drive, we're back in Knoxpatch. It wasn't so bad, but the thought of getting up to go to work tomorrow makes me want to vomit out my nose and mouth.
So what have I missed today besides an embarrassing Titans loss to the Houston Texans?
Looks like the dim-o-cracks are already cheating down in Florida. So what else is new?
In other unsurprising news, the always fair-and-balanced New York Times has endorsed John Kerry. Heaven forfend! They've really gone out on a limb there.
Johnny Walker Red is trying to rewrite the Alabama Constitution, for crying out loud. Doesn't he have enough to do?
Allah is still on hiatus. Oh where did you go...?
Ace says Usama has been pushin' up daisies for quite some time now. Hell he's almost as dead as Al Gore's brain and John Edwards' integrity.
And I can't get this new Linksys Wireless G-Cable Gateway to be recognized by Win XP Pro. Any advice from you networking gurus out there?
Okay, I'm tired as ass so I'm going to bed.
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