Six Meat Buffet

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Early voting on Wictory Wednesday

Well, that's what I was hoping to do today, but Mrs. Holmes has rescheduled our voting until tomorrow. It's nice to be married to someone who is not going to cancel out your vote. I've heard of so many couples where the husband votes conservative and the wife votes socialist, effectively canceling each other out.

It's nice to be able to negate the votes of some pansy liberal couple driving to the polls in their electric car listening to Ani DiFranco and worrying about the Earth. Do you hear that, liberal married couple? We're making your vote irrelevant!

Back to Wictory Wednesday, this week we're helping Jim DeMint in South Carolina. Only one more Wictory Wednesday left after today. Hopefully the Bush win will be decisive enough that we will know the winner of the presidential vote two weeks from today. Anyone else glad it's almost over? I sure as hell am.

Here are your Wictory Wednesday bloggers...