Six Meat Buffet

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Wictory Wednesday

This little brownshirt spent his Wictory Wednesday slaving away for the man. So much so, that I didn't even get to take a peek at the blogosphere until this evening. I feel so deprived. But, enough bellyachin', cuz it's Wictory Wednesday.

This Wednesday - we're asking for help for Mel Martinez in his Florida Senate race. Mel has a very interesting background - he escaped Cuba as a child and has worked his way up to serving as HUD secretary under George W. Bush. He's lucky Janet Reno wasn't A.G. when he came to the U.S. or he would have been exported back to Cuba at gunpoint. You can show your disdain for Reno and her ilk by donating to Mel's campaign and push him over the top in Florida against wealth-redistribution specialist Dim-O-Crat Betty Castor.

Here are your Wictory Wednesday bloggers...