Beheadings continue
(via Rusty Shackleford)
Fox News and the Associated Press are both reporting that American hostage Jack Hensley has been murdered.
News is still fresh and more is expected to come out shortly and I'm sure there will be photos and/or video. More updates to come.
Diggers Realm asks "where is the muslim outrage over these beheadings?" I'd like to know as well.
Johnny Walker Red says that his opinion hasn't changed since yesterday's beheading. My angry comments still apply as well.
Armies of Liberation has a heartbreaking plea from Hensley's family.
Blogs of War is on the case.
Backcountry Conservative - both Jeff Quinton & his guest blogger Chad Evans have weighed in.
I hope the bastards that committed these acts are captured and tortured before they are killed.
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