Six Meat Buffet

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Fall has arrived

It is an absolutely beautiful day here in Knoxville. The sun reflects off of the lake nearby...

You can even see the mountains behind the lake through the powerlines behind a nearby neighborhood.

The temperature is in the upper 60s, and we're heading down to the Tennessee/Florida game tonight. It's the kind of day where you don't want to think about politics, current events, socialists, bedwetting union thugs, islamofascists, or any other ugly reality of life. Therefore, I ain't gonna.

Instead, I'm going to enjoy this fantastic early fall day, play with the kids, and get ready for the game by watching even more football. I figure I've earned some escapism. I don't know quite how, but what the hell.

And what game day preparation is complete without a trip to the package store...

Join me and put your worries aside for the day. Booze it up and go tackle a complete stranger in their front yard. They won't mind. It's football season.


Well, not everyone here in Knoxville is in as good a mood as me. Johnny Walker Red points out that local leftist celebrity blogger South Knox Bubba became so emotionally overwrought recently that he filled his underpants with bile. Go read his angry post, it's a good example of the left's collective meltdown over the polls, memogate and all the other bad news we "fucking crazies" on the right are creating.