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More Viewer Mail!

I finally received my first hate mail. It only took two months!

It's from someone only known as Turdley, and he makes some very interesting points - points that I will chew on like so much beef jerky, savoring the intellectual flavor and reaping the salty benefits, nourishing my psyche. Here is his e-mail, in its entirety:

Subject: thaw your iced heart, blogger, before the world hates you in return

I have several comments for you. Your blog thoroughly disgusts me and your lack of sympathy is, quite simply, scary.

What makes it OK for you to tongue-lash homosexuals, self-righteous one. Just because you were created to favor the opposite sex instead of hungering for the pole, doesn't make same-sex unions wrong. "Homos", as you prefer to call them, have no choice. I guess it is also fair for one's genitalia to determine sexuality at birth? A penis is merely skin and can be sliced and converted into a vagina. Is transsexualism, therefore, "evil" or "perverted"? The answer is an unarguable "no." It is as natural as the transformation of a lowly caterpillar into a magnificent butterfly.

And, welfare was created for those who cannot support themselves. They cannot help becoming pregnant. They are merely exercising their first amendment rights to procreate. And what makes this country great is that there are plenty of people willing to foot the bill for blessed families of the welfare state. No other country protects its people to the same extent. People should not have to work merely because society has imposed such an expectation on them. Let those who choose to get up before noon and earn an honest days pay spend some of their abundance on those less motivated. That is one of those factors that makes this country great. Be honest. Should one person be able to save for early retirement while another perpetually remains too pregnant to work and, therefore, unable to feed their babies. I think not and know that deep in your coal-black heart you agree.

Don't get me started on reparations. It is simply horrible what white bread, corn-fed republicans did to those poor negro souls. How much better off they would be had we left them in the jungle with their spears and unadulterated culture. Instead, we brought them here, to a civilized society and forced them to learn a foreign language that was not comprised of clips clicks and guttural moans, but rather, involved vowels and lots of confusing consonants. And if it wasn't bad enough that we made them pick cotton and toil in our fields in exchange for food and board, you republicans want them to work years after they were emancipated. The slavery just doesn't end, does it? Then, when one starts to succeed, you racist right wingers want to hold the man down. Look at Jayson Williams, OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson and Mike Tyson. All they wanted to do is entertain you and when they succeed, you and the other conservatives try to make them look like criminals. Where is justice and equality? Every white person in america should be ordered to pay each african american at least $10 out of their own pockets to make up for present and past discrimination as well as help buy diapers and baby food.

Kerry will win, defeating your tax-breaking, rich favoring, first amendment rights abridging, Chimp Dubya. Then, we will see this country speedily evolve into the outwardly focused, altruistic, beacon of tolerance and compassion that it is destined to become.


This well-reasoned e-mail does make me wonder if indeed Kerry does have a lock on the election. I'm sure many Kerry voters out there agree with you on the issues you brought to the table. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Turdley.