Judge celebrates partial-birth abortion -
Leftists cheer more infanticide!
Judge says partial-birth abortion ban infringes on right to choose.
I'm breaking a couple of my own personal rules for this one. First, I don't link to Newsmax. The reason being, Newsmax is more like a cartoon than a news site. It's the National Enquirer of right-wing news and the vague blending of countless ads blended in with actual news stories is irritating and somewhat discrediting. The second is that I don't usually touch the abortion issue. It's just one of those issues where you're not going to change many minds - a lot of people pick a side early on and it becomes their religion.
This story is different because of the reality of partial-birth abortion. There are plenty of places online to read about the procedure - which is very rarely used to "save the life of the mother". That's generally a bullshit excuse for mentally ill women who change their minds late in pregnancy, and the doctors who are complicit in considering their mental health a critical "life-saving issue." With modern medical technology, rare is the case where it's truly a matter of the mother or the baby.
For those who argue that the baby is not a person until the fetus is "viable" - they should be joining the chorus supporting the ban, but of course they don't. This procedure is simply infanticide. The baby is born, then simply murdered, saving the physicians the messy cleanup of the regular abortion, so they may hurry off to their golf game or Democratic political fundraiser or wherever.
This is another case of how nauseating our legal system has become, when one mentally ill judge can override the entire U.S. Congress (who I have no particular love for, by the way), Executive Branch and will of the American populace.
We can already tell that this judge has a particular dislike for children, due to the fact that she forced a bunch of middle school students to pray to allah, pretending to be muslim fanatics in a clear violation of what she would probably call the "separation of church and state." As long as the religion is islam, the left fully supports it. As long as the religion is liberalism and the sacrament is abortion, the left rallies around it and wears it as a badge of honor.
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