Girls Gone Wild at Abu Ghraib
A good friend sent me this article by Pat Buchanan. By the way, if you haven't read Death of the West, yet, you should. Anyone who cares about the survival of Western culture should read it.
Back to the article, Buchanan touches on a topic the lovely Mrs. Holmes brought up the other night at dinner. (It was hard to focus on such a weighty topic with Mrs. Holmes, because she was looking exceedingly hot, as usual, but I digress.)
She and Buchanan essentially ask the same questions - aren't the militant islamists fighting against the same rotting American culture that social conservatives are fighting in this country? Is there some kind of purity (spiritual clarity, perhaps?) to the unbending fanatacism of their beliefs? Aren't their views on degenerate western culture at least somewhat similar to those of the religious conservatives in America?
Buchanan writes:
Well, the neoconservative cause "of female emancipation in the Muslim world" was probably set back a bit by the photo shoot of Pfc. Lynndie England and the "Girls Gone Wild" of Abu Ghraib prison...
If conservatives reject the "equality" preached by Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, NARAL and the National Organization for Women, why seek to impose it on the Islamic world? Why not stand beside Islam, and against Hollywood and Hillary?
If conservatives reject the "equality" preached by Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, NARAL and the National Organization for Women, why seek to impose it on the Islamic world? Why not stand beside Islam, and against Hollywood and Hillary?
It's well worth reading and contemplating. And speaking of women in the military, was it really such a good idea?

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