Six Meat Buffet

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Robots demand unionization

In case you're unaware of the union shenanigans of the "Teachers' Assistants Association" (TAA) this past month, you should know that the TAA was marching to rabble-rouse and to raise awareness about their meager salaries.

Even more frightening, however, was the emergence of the Robotics & Automation Association of Madison (WI) and their simultaneous march for equality - on the same day and at the same location! I've always known that the robots would eventually take over, but with unionization, they're virtually unstoppable! From their press release:

"We wish, as all beings, to throw off the yoke of servitude and strive for equality for all. Like the TAA, we demand respect and recognition for our contribution to society and fair compensation for our labors."

Read the whole story and view march photos here.