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Eli didn't have to take his ball and go home after all...

Is anyone else out there sick of the Mannings? Living in Big Orange Country means that you're not allowed to speak ill of Archie, Eli, or most importantly, Prince Peyton. They're just behind Phillip Fulmer as football's collective sacred cow in this region.

Here's an interesting column about Eli & Archie's antics during this past weekend's NFL draft, where they basically told San Diego that Eli would sit out a year rather than play for the Chargers.

This is the type of cry-baby grandstanding that could only be pulled off by Manning Football Royalty. The last time the NFL draft was manipulated to this degree was when John Elway whined about possibly being drafted by the Colts back in 1983. At least he had a legitimate Major League Baseball contract to fall back on.

If Eli doesn't succeed quickly, the New York media will eat him alive. That should prove to be entertaining - unlike Giants football over the last decade.