Six Meat Buffet

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Meanwhile, government's nose grows and grows and goes where its nose shouldn't go...

Here's another case of idiotic governmental regulation.

When it comes to porn, I enjoy mine filthy and condom-free. Porn is an escape from reality - much like the mainstream cinema. A big part of enjoying movies (or to a lesser extent, television) is the fact that you get to escape your everyday tedium for a couple of hours while you lose yourself in suspension of disbelief and special effects wizardry.

If you're a porn actor/actress/fluffer/best boy, you're taking a calculated risk, with or without condoms. One would assume that you would weigh the risks versus the benefits (i.e. pay) and decide whether or not the gamble is worth it. This is private enterprise at its core and it's none of government's business who does and does not use condoms.

Unfortunately, I seem to be in the minority these days when it comes to personal responsibility. People are responsible for their decisions - whether they're smoking cigarettes or smoking pole - and it is not the duty of government to protect them from themselves.