Six Meat Buffet

This blog is the magnet, and you are steel.

If you have arrived at this site from, then either the main site is down and you've received a 404 error, or the main site is down for maintenance. If you've arrived at this site any other way, you should probably know that the Six Meat Buffet blog is actually at SixMeatBuffet.Com.

This is the backup site for use when things go wrong over at the main site. Which is not uncommon. You can always drop me a line at preston-at-sixmeatbuffet-dot-com or sixmeat-at-gmail-dot-com if you have questions.


Terms of Use

By visiting Six Meat Buffet, you are agreeing to these terms of service.

Six Meat Buffet is NOT a news site - it is simply a weblog (or Blog for short). You may ask yourself, "what the hell is a blog?"

Salon.Com has a pretty good definition: "A blog, or weblog, is a personal Web site updated frequently with links, commentary and anything else you like. New items go on top and older items flow down the page. Blogs can be political journals and/or personal diaries; they can focus on one narrow subject or range across a universe of topics. The blog form is unique to the Web -- and highly addictive."

There are political blogs, personal blogs, topic-specific blogs, hobby blogs, anything you can think of.

Six Meat Buffet is primarily a political/current events blog (with some occassional satire/entertainment/sports news and opinion thrown in) and the opinions expressed herein are those of its owner, Preston Taylor Holmes. Additionally, because Preston resides in the glorious state of Tennessee, there will be the occassional item which may only be of interest to fellow Tennesseans. If you are offended by, or disagree with the opinions of Mr. Holmes, you can feel free to e-mail Mr. Holmes at and engage in spirited debate. Your other option is to simply go away and don't come back. It really doesn't matter to us.

Likewise, if comments are enabled, the opinions expressed in the comments sections are those of the folks posting the comments, and not of Six Meat Buffet. Objectionable/idiotic/useless comments may be deleted at the whim of Preston Taylor Holmes.

As previously mentioned, this is NOT a news site - it is a guide to news/events on and off the web, peppered with heaping helpings of personal opinion - and quite frequently, a good deal of vitriol. By visiting this website, you are confirming that you understand the opinion-based nature of Six Meat Buffet and that there is no "fairness doctrine" that guarantees that dissenting opinions are heard -- in other words, Six Meat Buffet is a totalitarian dictatorship and "that's the way it f***ing is!" (to quote Paul Anka...) Additionally, this website occasionally uses colorful language, which may not be appropriate for children, and you shouldn't let your kids out on the web unsupervised anyway, so pay attention to what they're doing for God's sake.

So now that you've confirmed that you understand all of this, go back to Six Meat Buffet.