Bloggie endorsements
Everyone else is doing it, and yes, I always cave to peer pressure. I'll try to keep it brief. I'll only mention the contests in which I'm voting - if I don't know any of the blogs, why should I vote in that category, and who the hell would notice or care? I guess I could wait for one of those dim-o-crack buses to come around and drive me to the polls and tell me which buttons to mash, but I keep looking and they never show up.
Best Overall: LGF (I was visiting LGF before I realized it was a blog. However, I'm still waiting for a t-shirt, which I ordered 6 freakin' months ago!)
Best New Blog: INDC Journal (I would vote for Rusty cuz he's my true favorite, but he says not to, so I have to go with INDC to try and defeat Kerry Spot, which is really BIG MEDIA and not a blog. Plus, I've been an INDC fan since before I started my stupid blog, so it's a genuine vote. I am also smitten with Beth & Jane, and I'm still surprised to even be in the contest...)
Best Group Blog: The Command Post
Best Humor Blog: Beautiful Atrocities (Protein Wisdom and Iowahawk are both brilliant as well, but B.A. qualifies as modern art)
Best Liberal Blog: South Knox Bubba (Cuz he's local and at least we agree on Vol football and the 2nd Amendment)
Best Conservative Blog: La Shawn Barber
Best Election Coverage: The Corner (Since I can't vote for my own drunken election night live-blogging)
Best Journalist Blog: Michelle Malkin (She's far and away the best. What the hell is Keith Olbermann doing in this one?)
Best Culture Blog: Llama Bitches
Best Sports Blog: Fanblogs
Best Military Blog: Froggy (With Blogs of War a close second)
Best Online Community: Fark (Because they've caused me to lose control of my bladder from laughter)
Best Blog Design: I'm alternating my daily votes between Just a Girl and Demure Thoughts
Best Essayist: VDH
Best Latino/Carib/South American Blog: In Search of Utopia (Cuz David is only 75% moonbat and is a pretty cool guy. He didn't pay me, I swear.)
Best of the 100s: Ace (Cuz he slices like a f**king hammer)
Best of the 100-250s: In the Bullpen
Best of the 250-500s: Digger
Best of the 500-1000s: Maybe I Think Too Much
Best of the 1000-1750s: Cranky Neocon (I couldn't decide between Cranky, Gleeson and Sharpy, so since Cranky was bringing up the rear I thought I'd help him out)
Best of the 1750-2500s: South End Grounds
Linkwhoring is hard work. Now go over there and vote exactly as I've dictated. Or Die! Or whatever. And whatever you do, don't go and visit this battling blogs blog.
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