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Thou shalt not fling custard at a goddess

Two dumbasses arrested for flinging pies at Ann Coulter at the University of Arizona.

Or as the Smoking Gun quipped, Al Pieda Targets Ann Coulter.

TUCSON, Ariz. - Two men ran onstage and threw custard pies at conservative columnist Ann Coulter as she was giving a speech at the University of Arizona, hitting her in the shoulder, police said.

As is typical with the left - they can't win any arguments based on ideas, so they usually resort to violence.

Lucina Kress, a junior majoring in Spanish, said she and others ran out of Centennial Hall to chase the two men.

Soaking wet from last night's rain, Kress said as a member of the UA College Republicans, she wanted to do her part to capture the men who disrupted Coulter's speech.

"They could have combated her with words, but instead resorted to physical violence," Kress said.

Coulter made light of the situation even after one of the men was taken away in handcuffs.

"From that far away they can't even hit me?" she joked.

I'm tempted to make a crude comment about Ann Coulter and cream pies, but I'll keep it out of the gutter - this time.